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Weather Information
HERE Weather Forecast
for Galway, Ireland |
Ireland's Climate
The dominant influence on Ireland's climate is the Atlantic
Ocean. Consequently, Ireland does not suffer from the
extremes of temperature experienced by many other countries
at similar latitude.
Average annual temperature is about 9 °C. In the middle and
east of the country temperatures tend to be somewhat more
extreme than in other parts of the country. For example,
summer mean daily maximum is about 19 °C and winter mean
daily minimum is about 2.5 °C in these areas.
Mean annual wind-speed varies between about 4 m/sec in the
east midlands and 7 m/sec in the northwest. Strong winds
tend to be more frequent in winter than in summer. Sunshine
duration is highest in the southeast of the country. Average
rainfall varies between about 800 and 2,800mm.
With south westerly winds from the Atlantic dominating,
rainfall figures are highest in the northwest, west and
southwest of the country, especially over the higher ground.
Rainfall accumulation tends to be highest in winter and
lowest in early summer.
The annual number of days with more than 1 mm of rain varies
between about 150 in the drier parts and over 200 in the
wetter parts of the country. Met Éireann has station data
going back to the 19th century for some dozens of stations. |